Photoshop power.

No matter how awesomely cool GIMP may be it will never be as good as photoshop. Unfortunately Photoshop is the total best in image editing. It is very expensive compare to the almighty free GIMP but it does do a whole lot more that GIMP will probably never do. Also if you already used Photoshop GIMP is going to piss you off. I have used Photoshop and the thing I miss the most is the handy Control-T shortcut. Spin, Move, Resize. All in one move. In gimp however this is a total pain in the back. One tool for sizing, One rotating the other moving. HOW MANY MORE?! Also I found the missing 'Flip but be able to still edit text' function. Overall, GIMP does deserve appreciation Value/Money but Photoshop still has the power designers seek.