New to Image Editing?

Here we will explain in simplicity GIMP and the main features to use. SEE IMAGES BELOW
The toolbox. It has all the tools (Lesson 3) It is split into 2 sections the one with the tool options and the upper for selecting the tool.
The main box as I like to call it - Is box with all the 'commands' including File, Edit, and Window...
A we go along we might say 'the layer box' If you don't have it open click on Window in the main box and then select dockable dialogs. There you can find Channels, Layers, Histogram, Pointer, Navigation and so on. In the toolbox you will see two different coloured boxes. Double click the front box to change the foreground colour (automatically used by any coloured tool) and the same for the back colour. For now only the front one matters